Перевод: с английского на венгерский

с венгерского на английский

to get a fix

  • 1 fix

    helyzetpont-meghatározás, javítás, nehéz helyzet to fix: felerősít, ártalmatlanná tesz, letelepszik, fixál
    * * *
    [fiks] 1. verb
    1) (to make firm or steady: He fixed the post firmly in the ground; He fixed his eyes on the door.) rögzít
    2) (to attach; to join: He fixed the shelf to the wall.) felerősít
    3) (to mend or repair: He has succeeded in fixing my watch.) megjavít
    4) (to direct (attention, a look etc) at: She fixed all her attention on me.) irányít
    5) ((often with up) to arrange; to settle: to fix a price; We fixed (up) a meeting.) elrendez; megállapít; megjelöl
    6) (to make (something) permanent by the use of certain chemicals: to fix a photgraphic print.) fixál (vegyi úton)
    7) (to prepare; to get ready: I'll fix dinner tonight.) megcsinál
    2. noun
    (trouble; a difficulty: I'm in a terrible fix!) szorultság, "pác"
    - fixed
    - fixedly
    - fixture
    - fix on
    - fix someone up with something
    - fix up with something
    - fix someone up with
    - fix up with

    English-Hungarian dictionary > fix

  • 2 get\ oneself\ into\ a\ fix

    English-Hungarian dictionary > get\ oneself\ into\ a\ fix

  • 3 screw

    hajócsavar, kefélés, zsugori, uzsorás, smasszer to screw: csavarral összenyom, kikúr vkivel, besrófol, nyes
    * * *
    [skru:] 1. noun
    1) (a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action: I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.) csavar
    2) (an action of twisting a screw etc: He tightened it by giving it another screw.) (be)csavarás
    2. verb
    1) (to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws: He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.) (rá)csavar; csavarodik
    2) (to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement: Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.) (be)csavar; lecsavar
    3) ((slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).) megdug vkit
    4) ((slang) to cheat or take advantage of: They screwed you - these are not real diamonds.) átver vkit
    - be/get screwed
    - have a screw loose
    - put the screws on
    - screw up
    - screw up one's courage

    English-Hungarian dictionary > screw

  • 4 hang

    átboltozás, megtorpanás, fennakadás, lassulás to hang: függ, lehorgaszt, lógat, felakaszt (embert)
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - hung; verb
    1) (to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook: We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall.) felakaszt; függ
    2) (to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall: A door hangs by its hinges.) (fel)függeszt, beakaszt; függ; lóg
    3) ((past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop: Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now.) felakaszt
    4) ((often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards: The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down.) (le)lóg, kilóg
    5) (to bow (one's head): He hung his head in shame.) lehorgaszt
    - hanging
    - hangings
    - hangman
    - hangover
    - get the hang of
    - hang about/around
    - hang back
    - hang in the balance
    - hang on
    - hang together
    - hang up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hang

См. также в других словарях:

  • get\ a\ fix — • get a fix • give (someone) a fix v. phr. slang drug culture To provide (someone) with an injection of narcotics. The neighborhood pusher gave Joe a fix. Contrast: get a fix on …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get a fix on something — get a fix on (something) to understand something. It s not easy to get a fix on this new era we ve entered. Usage notes: sometimes also used in the form have a fix on something: After reading that biography, I felt I really had a fix on Jefferson …   New idioms dictionary

  • get a fix on — (something) to understand something. It s not easy to get a fix on this new era we ve entered. Usage notes: sometimes also used in the form have a fix on something: After reading that biography, I felt I really had a fix on Jefferson …   New idioms dictionary

  • get a fix on sth — ► to understand what a situation is like: »Market research helps to get a fix on what customers want. Main Entry: ↑fix …   Financial and business terms

  • get a fix on — ► get a fix on determine the position, nature, or facts of. Main Entry: ↑fix …   English terms dictionary

  • get a fix on — {v. phr.}, {informal} Receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means, as by radar or sonar. * /Can you get a fix on the submarine?/ Contrast: GET A FIX …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get a fix on — {v. phr.}, {informal} Receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means, as by radar or sonar. * /Can you get a fix on the submarine?/ Contrast: GET A FIX …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get\ a\ fix\ on — v. phr. informal Receive a reading of a distant object by electronic means, as by radar or sonar. Can you get a fix on the submarine? Contrast: get a fix …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get a fix — or[give a fix] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {drug culture} To provide (someone) with an injection of narcotics. * /The neighborhood pusher gave Joe a fix./ Contrast: GET A FIX ON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get a fix — or[give a fix] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {drug culture} To provide (someone) with an injection of narcotics. * /The neighborhood pusher gave Joe a fix./ Contrast: GET A FIX ON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get a fix — AND get a gift tv. to buy drugs; to take a dose of drugs. (Drugs.) □ Gert had to get home and get a fix. □ What did Tracy mean when she said she had to get a gift fast? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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